Browse National Park Vacation Packages

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Browse Our National Park Vacation Packages

National park vacations are among the best ways to experience the countryside and wilderness. These vacations can offer a wide range of experiences, in Canada, the US or around the world. The national parks take that outdoor adventure to the next level with pristine, well-maintained environments that offer endless opportunities for unforgettable fun. When you book a national park vacation package from Expedia, you can enjoy a great nature getaway more easily than ever before.

Discover national park vacation packages

National park vacation packages take everything about your trip and combine it into 1 convenient package that makes booking your outdoor break simple. With Expedia, you can book your accommodation, your flight and/or your car rental jointly, with plenty of options available for each. The accommodation options are particularly diverse, as you'll find outdoorsy national park vacation rentals like cabins, as well as lodging types like chalets, houses, and condos. Plus, many of the packages offer terrific deals you won't be able to resist.

Take advantage of national park package deals

Finding deals is simple with Expedia. You simply have to review our current offers or enter your travel details to see more. You can sort all the packages in your search results by price to find which would be the most affordable. You can also implement a variety of search filters that can narrow down your results even further. These filters allow you to search for certain amenities like hot tubs and pools, and you can put in filters for proximity to certain attractions.

Explore the best national park vacations

One of the most important aspects of any national park vacation is deciding which one you want to visit. Canada has plenty of enticing options, but the best largely depends on what you're interested in. For a more aquatic-oriented adventure, you can head to Thousand Islands in Ontario, where you'll find the Saint Lawrence River and several granite islands to explore. If you'd rather hit the slopes, you could head to Banff instead, the oldest national park in the country. Here, you'll find breathtaking mountains with extensive opportunities for skiing.

Why Expedia?

Planning your national park vacation is easy when you book with Expedia. You can take care of your accommodation, your flight and /or your car rental at the same time, and you may be eligible for discounts when booking them together. Plus, a significant portion of our properties offer convenient, free cancellation. Plans can change, so it's always better to have that kind of flexibility in your booking.

Terms & Conditions

Prices displayed are for stays or flights on the specific dates shown.

Package prices quoted are per person per stay based on the cheapest return flights from the specified airports and two people sharing the cheapest double room, inclusive of all taxes.

Additional baggage charges may apply to flights and to packages, including flights provided by low cost airlines.

Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required. Please check individual hotel or airline for details.

Prices are updated regularly and are accurate when published.

Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice. Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals.

Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.

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