April--a great time to fly!

You know what they say: April showers bring May flowers. Early springtime is known for its wet and gloomy days, but that doesn’t mean you should hole yourself up inside until the sun starts to shine. A little rain never hurt after all, so why not venture outside and enjoy nature’s showers? Book a trip out of town and soak up the rainy season somewhere new, or better yet, take a vacation to a place that’s free of rain. With our cheap flights in April, not only can you afford a little spring getaway, but you’ll also have plenty of leftover cash to splurge on a fancy new umbrella—just in case.

April flight deals Here at Expedia, we understand what it means to travel within your budget. High prices shouldn’t get in the way of you exploring the world, visiting your family, or making new friends, and that’s why we offer April flight deals that help keep costs low. Check out our airfare to find discounts on the places you’ve been dreaming of visiting. It’s easy to browse through the options and score some of the lowest rates around. Your trip isn’t going to book itself, so reserve your cheap April flights today and let the vacation countdown begin.".

Cheap Flights in April FAQs

Is April a cheap time to fly? 

April 2024 has some fantastic bargains on flights. You could catch the last of the snow with a last-minute flight deal or head off to a tropical island in its off-peak season and enjoy a beachy vacation for less. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms may apply. 

Where is the cheapest to fly in April? 

Cheap flight destinations in April depend on your departure point and dates. You could fly to Hawaii for some tropical sunshine and volcanic vibes to liven up your spring vacation. Expect warm sunshine and quieter beaches, and you might also see a whale pod migrating. If you’d rather go for cheap domestic flights in April, book a flight to Vancouver. It’s the ideal destination to enjoy the great outdoors and bright blue skies. And it’s the perfect time for a kayak, hike or even a late-season ski in the sunshine in nearby Whistler, which normally stays open until late May. 

How do I find the best flights in April? 

Score top deals on April flights easily by comparing the latest prices from all the major airlines together in one place. Pop in your travel details, hit search, then use our filters to see your results at the lowest price first. If you want to see how the price varies on different days in April, our flexible dates calendar shows you how much you could save by travelling a day or two earlier or later.  

Is it cheaper to fly over Easter? 

April flight ticket prices tend to rise over the Easter break. If you want to travel over Easter, it’s worth checking prices a couple of months in advance to get the best flight deals. Alternatively, the weeks before and after Easter have fantastic opportunities for low-cost flights.  

Can I cancel or amend my April flight on Expedia? 

Yes. You can cancel most flights online and some airlines will let you cancel for free within 24 hours of booking. Use the no change fee filter to see flexible airline deals that let you make changes without paying a fee. Every airline has its own rules, so check before you book. Some flights are non-refundable but may qualify for airline credit. If you’ve already booked a flight and need to make changes, log into your online itinerary for your flight information.  

Why should I book April flights with Expedia? 

We want you to travel without hassle. That’s why you get a vast selection of April flight deals from all the major airlines in one place, so it’s super easy to compare and book. Plus, if you bundle your flight with accommodation or car rental, you save even more. With our free Expedia app in your pocket, you unlock double Expedia Reward points, get mobile-exclusive deals, and you can browse and book activities when you arrive, too.     

Terms and Conditions:

Sample prices reflect the lowest fares on Expedia found by our customers over the last 48 hours and are quoted for one adult and include taxes for round trip economy/coach class travel. Prices do not include additional baggage fees that may be charged by the applicable airline. Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.