What to do in Makawao, HI

Activities, attractions and tours
Haleakala National Park which includes desert views and landscape views

Makawao Attractions

Constantly seeking a brand new feat and inventive ways to get inspired, you're eager to investigate new territory like a pro. You're ready to set course in a different direction. It's not hard to fill an itinerary, because Expedia Canada makes it easy to book lots of things to do. Find and book your activities now, and the only thing left to do is count the days until your holiday and imagine all the places you'll go. Coming up: Makawao!

  • The things to do in Makawao are not only among the best, but they won't cost an arm and a leg. We have 195 things to do here, and you can make them yours starting at just CA $18 . Get your favourite activities and day trips on Expedia Canada for significant savings, and you'll still have enough cash for a dream hotel or fine meal while you're travelling.
  • Makawao is popular among inquisitive minds similar to yourself. In fact, a good percentage of travellers can't wait for their next trip to Makawao to learn about local history and culture and explore the best things to do. The most booked activities can earn the enthusiasm of even experienced globetrotters, and one look at our list explains why. Our collection includes an impressive variety of culturally based tours and opportunities for fun. With unequalled ways to explore the best this area has to give like a Guided Pineapple Plantation & Distillery Tour, there are tons of things to do at your disposal when you browse through all the things you can do here at Expedia Canada.

You'll need a little planning to make the most of a trip to Makawao, especially when you long to pack in lots of exciting activities. And we can tell you don't want to hunker down in your hotel room—you're excited to get out and play. You can hardly wait to check off the top activities around, and an exploration of historic city neighbourhoods is always time well spent. Our activities are the perfect way to organize your holiday. Book guided tours on Expedia Canada, and you'll never get lost.

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Most fun & popular experiences in Makawao

Air, helicopter & balloon tours

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Day trip destinations from Makawao