By Expedia Team, on June 6, 2017

A Traveller’s Guide to Using Google Maps


How to Use Google Maps for Travel

Taking a trip can be great fun, but it’s a lot less stressful when you’re well organized. The seasoned traveler knows it’s best to gather maps and lists of places in advance – but also what a hassle this can be. How can you plan a detailed trip without organizing all the fun out of it?

Thanks to the magic of handheld devices and Google Maps, it’s possible to collate all the information you need and keep it to hand. For example, you can pin your hotel and other must-see places to your own Google map, and share it with your travel companions. That way, everyone ends up where they’re supposed to.

Google Maps can also help you to get good value on your trip once you arrive. Clicking on local bars and cafés brings up detailed information including user ratings and even how busy they are right now. And if you’re in the States, you can bring up local gas prices to make sure you use the cheapest gas station in town.

To find out how to use Google Maps for travel, check out our new infographic. We’ve put together the top tips on how to use Google Maps to plan your holiday, and keep it going smoothly once you’re there.

Google Maps combines mapping, directions, suggestions, and even street-view photos into a single, device-sized package. Use it to power your next trip, and you’ll have all the fun of being spontaneous – without getting lost!


How to use Google Maps for Travel


Embed this infographic about how to use Google Maps on your website:

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  1. Carman, A. (2016). Google will tell you how crowded your favorite bar is in real time.
  2. Google (2017). Search and find nearby places.
  3. Google (2017). Share your real-time location with others.
  4. Google (2017). Share your location using Google Maps.
  5. Google (2017). Get directions and show routes.
  6. Google (2017). Use Street View in Google Maps.
  7. Wilhelm, P. (2015). Google Maps on iOS now shows the best gas prices in town.
  8. Dhanrajani, A. (2015). Google Maps making stressful times easier.
  9. McGauley, J. (2015). 14 Google Maps Features You Never Knew Existed.
  10. Popova, M. (2011). ‘Maphead’: Ken Jennings on the Weird World of Geography Wonks.
  11. McGinnis, C. (2015). How to save money using Google Maps overseas.

